Etusivu: Traficom
Etusivu: Traficom

Alla HaDEA:n ja Euroopan komission tämän hetken aikatauluhahmotelmaa ja budjetti tulevista CEF Digital hakukierroksista.

5G corridors, including early wave actions for the interconnection of 5G edge computing facilitiesStudiesx x
5G for smart communitiesStudies   
Blending operations under InvestEULaunch  x
European Quantum Communication InfrastructureStudies   
 Works x 
Backbone networks for pan-European cloud federations - The Interconnection of backbone networks for cloud federationsStudies & Worksxxx
Backbone networks for pan-European cloud federations - The Interconnection of backbone networks for cloud federation with other cloud, HPC and edge infrastructuresStudiesxx 
Backbone networks for pan-European cloud federations - Equipping existing backbone networks with DNS resolution infrastructuresWorksx  
Backbone connectivity for Digital Global GatewaysStudiesx  
Operational digital platformsSupport actionx  

Taulukon tiedot: Euroopan Komissio


Art. 8.4.c, Art. 9.4.c
Deployment of 5G corridors along major transport paths

5G coverage along transport corridors, including interconnection of 5G edge computing facilities5650240  346935
Art. 8.4.a, Art. 9.4.a
Deployment of and access to VHC networks, 5G and other state of the art connectivity in areas where SEDs are located
5G for Smart Communities9,54040  89,5140,5
Art. 8.4.d, Art. 9.4.d
Deployment or significant upgrade of cross-border backbone networks
Quantum communication infrastructure090110110 200200
 Backbone networks for pan-European cloud federations804020  140199
 Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways305050  130204
Art. 8.4.e, Art. 9.4.e
Deployment of operational digital platforms
Operational digital platforms000  019
Art. 9.1
Actions contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the programme
Programme Support Actions610 13,620,628
Art 6
Implementation and forms of EU funding
Blending Operations under InvestEU005050 50100

(EUR million, current prices)


Taulukon tiedot: Euroopan Komissio
