Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The owner of an aircraft can apply for the removal of an aircraft from the Transport Register. A mortgaged aircraft cannot be removed from the register before the aircraft mortgage has been discharged (see aircraft mortgages (External link)). An aircraft removed from the register cannot be used in aviation before re-registration. As confirmation of the removal of the aircraft from the Finnish , the owner is issued a certificate of deregistration. If the aircraft is removed from the register for the purpose of registering it in another country, Traficom will also send the certificate electronically to the registration authority in the country in question.

The application with its required attachments can be sent by post, or by email to kirjaamo(at)

The application must state the reason why you wish to remove the aircraft from the register. If deregistration is applied for due to a sale to abroad, the application must include the country to which the aircraft was sold so that Traficom can send a notification of the deregistration to the authority in the country in question.

If the aircraft has several owners, all owners must sign the application or, alternatively, powers of attorney from all owners must be attached to the application.

Where applicable, the following must be attached to the deregistration application:

  • Certificate of Registration
  • Any power of attorney or other document that indicates the signatory’s power to sign the application (e.g. an extract from the trade register for foreign companies or associations).
  • If the application is submitted by the estate of a deceased person, the estate can act as the applicant. A copy of the estate inventory deed (or extracts from the population register) must be attached to the application in order to determine the parties to the estate. The parties to the estate jointly govern the assets of the estate.
  • If the applicant is a bankruptcy estate, the bankruptcy trustee may act as the applicant. The letter of appointment or an extract from the court minutes indicating the appointment as the bankruptcy trustee must be attached to the application.
  • If the applicant has been appointed a trustee, the trustee may act as the applicant. A certificate of the appointment of the trustee must be attached to the application.