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Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

If your mobility is reduced for example as a result of old age or disability, you are entitled to special assistance free of charge at airports and on board aircraft. This page explains how to make a complaint if your rights have been violated when travelling by air.

How to make a complaint


First contact the managing body of the airport or the airline

If your rights have not been respected in connection with a flight, make a complaint to the managing body of the airport or the airline. Submit your complaint to the party responsible. 

If your complaint concerns assistance at the airport, contact the managing body of the airport. If the problem concerns an event on board the aircraft, contact the airline.

Submit your complaint as soon as possible. 


Wait for a response

The managing body of the airport and the airline must be given a reasonable amount of time to respond to your complaint.

The recommended time is 8 weeks. 


Choose the correct authority

If your complaint to the airline is unsuccessful, you can contact the authority overseeing passenger rights. Make sure you complain to the right authority.

You must send your complaint to the relevant authority in the country where the incident took place. 

If the incident took place on a flight arriving from a non-EU country and the flight was operated by an airline established in an EU country, you should contact the authorities of the country of destination.


Incident took place in Finland

If the incident took place in Finland, you can send your complaint to Traficom. 


How to submit a complaint to Traficom

You can submit your complaint to Traficom by email or a free-form letter. 

Please attach to the complaint your correspondence with the managing body of the airport or the airline. Include a copy of your ticket and any other documents you consider relevant.

Send your complaint to .

If your complaint contains personal information, you can send it as a secure message. Instructions for sending secure email to Traficom. (External link)

If you are unable to send the complaint by email, you can send it to Traficom by post: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, PO Box 320, FI-00059 TRAFICOM, Finland.


Traficom may issue a recommendation

Traficom has competence to issue recommendations concerning passenger complaints.  


Passenger rights app

Download the "Your Passenger Rights" app to your smartphone ( Google Android (External link)Apple iOS (External link))

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