Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

With this form you can notify changes in the information on the operator, possessor or representative of an aircraft. Notification must be made to Traficom within 14 days of the change. If the aircraft has several owners, all owners must sign the notification or, alternatively, powers of attorney from all owners must be attached to the notification.

Addition or removal of aircraft operator, possessor or representative details must be notified in writing, signed by both parties. The notification and the required attachments can be sent by post, or by email to kirjaamo(at)

The details on the operator, possessor or representative reported to the aircraft register are always valid until further notice, and a separate notification must be made to remove the information from the register. The form can be used to notify one addition and one removal at the same time. The earlier information will be automatically removed when the owner changes, unless a new operator, possessor or representative is notified at the same time.