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Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Traficom may establish temporary danger areas or restrict aviation in a specific area for a certain period. You can apply for a temporary danger area for example, if you want to fly an unmanned aircraft beyond visual line of sight.

For each temporary airspace reservation, it is required to publish AIP Supplement at least 2 weeks before the start of the activity. Traficom will consult various aviation stakeholders before making a decision to establish temporary airspace reservation. Temporary airspace reservation applications shall be submitted to Traficom no later than 8 weeks before the planned start of the operation. A fee is charged for establishing a temporary airspace reservation as established in the Decree on Traficom's service fees by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Since January the 10th 2019, temporary danger areas for unmanned aviation, with maximum duration of two weeks, can also be established by the Airspace Management Cell (AMC) according to the Finnish Aviation Act section 11. The conditions for establishing these areas are described in the Airspace Management Operations Manual point 3.10.2 (Temporary danger areas). More information on the new procedure can be found on Fintraffic ANS website (External link).

Procedures for Flexible Use of Airspace are described in the Airspace Management Operations Manual.