Theoretical knowledge examinations are held at Traficom office in Helsinki and Lappeenranta. Remember to register for examinations at the latest one week before the examination day of your choice.
Theoretical knowledge examinations
The examinations begin at 9.00 a.m. and end by 4 p.m. Applicants have to report at the customer service desk before the examination session begins.
Theoretical knowledge examinations in Helsinki
Please find the examination dates (External link)
Bring with you a pencil (no marker or ballpoint pens), an eraser, a pencil sharpener and a flight computer / plotter.
Examination locations
Theoretical knowledge examinations are held at Traficom office in Helsinki and Lappeenranta.
Addresses to examination locations:
- Pasila Government Agency Center (Pasilan virastokeskus)
Opastinsilta 12, 00520 Helsinki - Brahenkatu 4, 53100 Lappeenranta
Registering for an examination
You may register for a theoretical knowledge examination organised by Traficom once you have successfully completed the theoretical knowledge instruction and examinations of an approved training organisation (ATO) or declared training organisation (DTO) and received a recommendation from the ATO/DTO.
If you are registering for an ATPL, CPL or IR examination, at least the recommendation that the training organisation issued for your first attempt to take your final theoretical knowledge examination paper must document that you have satisfactorily completed the AREA 100 KSA summative assessments and mental math test.
The test date is confirmed to the applicant by email.
Recommendations by ATOs are valid for 12 months. If you have failed to attempt at least one theoretical knowledge examination paper within the period of validity, the ATO will determine whether you need further training, based on your needs.
Instructions for examinations
You can bring with you a pencil (no marker or ballpoint pens), an eraser, a flight computer, a plotter, a dictionary (not an aviation dictionary) and a pair of compasses depending on what you will need in the examination.
You are not allowed to use your own calculator. Instead, Traficom will provide all students with a calculator for the examination (Canon F-718SGA scientific calculator). You will also be required to hand over your mobile phone and wristwatch for the duration of the examination. Traficom will provide students with scrap paper. Apart from the items listed above, you are not allowed any other items on your desk during the examination.
You can take short breaks (approx. 5 minutes) between papers to stretch your legs or go to the toilet. If you are taking multiple papers, you can also take a lunch break of approximately half an hour.
During breaks, you can eat and drink your own food and beverages. In the lobby near the cloakroom, you can also find a coffee machine where students can get hot drinks free of charge.
You can choose the order in which you want to take your papers. If you have registered for two examination days, you can choose which papers you want to take on the first day and which on the second.
Send a registration
Before registering, please make sure at the top of the page that the exam date is not full. Please note that registration is binding and cancellation is only possible in cases of illness with a medical certificate.
If you fall ill or are for some other unexpected reason unable to attend the examination, please let us know immediately by sending a message to teoriakokeet(at). If you fail to attend the examination without prior notification, you will be charged a fee for one theoretical knowledge examination paper. Please also note that if you book both days of the session but only participate in one of them, you will also be charged a fee for the day you did not attend. The fee corresponds to the fee for one paper.
All theoretical knowledge examinations in aviation are subject to a fee. The fees are based on the decree of the Ministry of Transport and Communications on fees chargeable for services provided by the Trafi. An invoice will be sent to the address given on the registration form after you have taken the examination.
Examination prices in accordance with the decree, as of 1 January 2019:
- 4.1.1 Theoretical knowledge examination, ATPL, CPL or IR, €59/paper
- 4.1.2 Theoretical knowledge examination, other than 4.1.1, €33/paper
Certificates of completed examinations
Certificates of completed examinations will be sent by e-mail to the address provided in the registration form within one week of the examination.
Enquiries: teoriakokeet(at)