Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

In general, the invoicing of telephone and broadband subscriptions is accurate and reliable. Despite that, phone bills may sometimes contain mistakes. It is always worthwhile to check whether your phone bill is correct.

If your bill is unusually large or seems incorrect in some other way, examine the connection-specific itemisation of the bill. You can also compare the bill to previous ones. For information on how bills are calculated, please visit the website of the telecommunications operator sending the bill.

Contact your operator first

If you suspect that there is a mistake in your bill or there is something unclear about it, always contact your operator first. A phone call is usually enough to fix simple and obvious mistakes. In more complicated cases, the safest option is to make a written complaint.

Complaints must always be made without delay. Problems are much easier to solve when they are still fresh.

If the bill is only partly incorrect, you can pay only the part you consider to be correct. An operator does not have the right to close your connection if you have complained about the bill before its due date and have paid the undisputed part of the bill by the due date.

If you are unable to find a solution with the operator, consumer advise (External link) may be able to help and further clarify the matter.

Technical accuracy of charges

You may complain to Traficom about the matter. Before contacting Traficom , you must try to solve the matter with the operator.

Traficom will examine whether:

  • the disputed calls have been made with the customer's phone
  • there are faults in the operator's debiting or invoicing system.

The complaint made to Traficom can be informal, but it should include at least the following information:

  • the name of the person making the complaint
  • contact details
  • detailed explanation of why you believe the bill to be incorrect.

If possible, also attach:

  • the complaint made to the operator
  • the operator's response to the complaint
  • call itemisations concerning the disputed bill.

Unpaid bills

Under certain conditions, an operator has the right to restrict the use of a telephone subscriber connection or close it if the user has not paid a matured payment for the subscription. If the connection has been closed for a month and no agreement on the payments has been reached, the operator has the right to cancel the subscription contract.

Items and services bought with a phone

It is also possible to buy items and services with a mobile phone. If the item or service you have paid with your phone is not delivered or you suspect that it is defective, you can make a complaint of the matter directly to the seller of the item or service. 

Unauthorised use of a communications service

Your telephone subscription can be used without permission for instance in a situation where your phone is stolen. The consumer can be held responsible for unlawful use of a communications service only if the unlawful use is due to the consumer's more than slight negligence. 

If your phone or SIM card is lost or you believe that it is unlawfully in the possession of someone else, you should immediately notify your operator about the matter. The consumer cannot be held responsible for the unlawful use after the notification has been submitted. If your phone or SIM card is stolen, you should also submit a report of the offence to the Police.

The consumer must ensure that the mobile phone subscription is kept safe. Also, adequate information security  (External link)of smartphones must be ensured because some malware may cause costs by using a communications service against the user's will.

If you need help for sorting out the case with your operator, consumer advice  (External link)provides guidance and conciliation help in the event of disputes. If necessary, the case can be taken to the Consumer Disputes Board  (External link) for settling.
