Traficom accepts applications for short-term radio licences intended for the testing, research and experimental use of systems that utilise radio technology. The period of validity of the licence can range from a few days to several years. The issuing of a radio licence for specific frequencies is considered on a case-by-case basis.
Radio licences for 5G test use can be issued for different frequency bands earmarked for 5G technologies. These frequency bands include the 3.400–3.800 MHz frequency band and millimetre wave frequency bands starting from 24 GHz.
For the preparation of technical licence terms, the applicant is required to provide the technical specifications of their radio transmitters, such as the bandwidth/spectrum block of the transmission, the transmit power, the antenna gain, the location of the transmitter and the heights and directions of antennas. The provided specifications can also be amended later as testing plans are clarified.
The applicant is also required to provide information on the number of transmitters and maps of operating areas. The radio licence can also be issued on the basis of a preliminary plan, which can then be specified later, if necessary. The associated frequency fee is based primarily on the number of transmitters (base stations and terminals).
You can submit your free-form application via the contact form .
Jan Engelberg, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 390 438
Tom Wikström, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 390 466