Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Frequencies as the backbone of the digital society

This publication is the first part of a series of publications on the current and future use of radio frequencies. The articles will provide the reader with a popularised overview of the utilisation of radio frequencies and the work that goes on in the background of these operations both in Finland and abroad. Come along and enjoy the exciting world of frequencies in 2023.

Basic services and everyday safety rely on radio frequencies

Communications networks and the radio frequencies that enable their operation form part of Finland’s critical infrastructure and act as the foundation on which our society must be able to rely on under normal circumstances as well as in disruptive and exceptional situations.

Frequency planning ensures the comprehensive coverage of radio and TV services throughout Finland

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom is responsible for the frequency planning of mass communications in Finland, providing reliable frequencies for radio and television broadcasts. Traficom also serves as Finland’s primary radio and television licencing and media monitoring authority and the authority in charge of overseeing the accessibility of audio-visual content.

Radio frequencies are widely utilised in logistics

Wireless technologies are widely utilised in different aspects of the planning and implementation of logistics. Traficom supports and ensures the functioning and usability of the communications systems and frequencies utilised in logistics services.

In space, all telecommunications are wireless

Traficom acts as one of the space authorities in Finland. Among other things, we make global agreements on the radio frequencies used by Finnish satellites and ensure that terrestrial radio networks and radio communications in Finland are free from interference. We also act as the licensing and supervisory authority for earth station operations.

Smooth transport requires smooth radio communication

Automation and digitalisation of transport place demands on wireless systems and digital infrastructure. Traficom makes it possible to fulfil both current and future transport communication needs by nationally securing working frequencies suitable for each use.

Frequency use is agreed upon internationally

The effortless use of frequencies requires international cooperation. Traficom's role in international and EU cooperation is significant. The aim is to ensure that Finland's views are taken into account in international frequency decisions.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

The future use of radio frequencies around the world is decided at World Radiocommunication Conferences

The terms under which radio frequencies are used for different purposes are agreed upon at World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) so that their use is as efficient and interference-free as possible. International decisions have a decisive impact on how radio frequencies will be used in the future in Finland.