The automation and digitalisation of transport can provide numerous benefits in the future, such as improved traffic safety, better cost efficiency and smaller environmental impact. It is no wonder then that unmanned transport, including the widespread utilisation of unmanned aerial vehicles, is currently subject to extensive research and development. One of the identified requirements for all automated and digitalised forms of transport is guaranteed and consistent service quality, which technologies such as 5G can provide in the future. Although the different modes of transport – road transport, aviation, waterborne transport and rail transport – continue to be developed separately, they often impose similar future requirements for wireless systems and digital infrastructure.
Digitalisation and automation are expanding the communication needs of transport
Contemporary transport radio systems, especially those used for safety-related communication in maritime transport and aviation, are based on established, globally harmonised radio equipment and communication methods. However, the continuing automation of transport also calls for hybrid solutions, meaning combinations of traditional radio systems and future mobile communication and satellite systems. These solutions must also make it possible to integrate automated vehicles in conventional traffic without endangering safety. To this end, operational reliability and safety must be ensured with backup radio systems and by enabling flexible switching between automated control and traditional or remote control. As such, one of the key areas of study is how to ensure traffic safety in an environment where the level of automation of individual vehicles and means of transport can vary significantly.
When it comes to the automation and digitalisation of transport, the most notable wireless technologies include 4G and 5G, which facilitate more efficient and safer traffic control, the collection and sharing of more detailed condition data and remote control. However, since the coverage of terrestrial mobile networks does not extend to all corners of the world or high into the air, they need to be supplemented with other communication solutions, such as satellite systems. Mobile networks will not replace the traditional safety radio systems used in aviation and maritime transport either, though they do enable new operating models that can be used in tandem with traditional ones.
The automated traffic of the future will be digital, interactive and based on fast wireless communication and data.

Road transport requires reliable frequencies
The wireless communication networks used in smart mobility can be divided into short-range communication, which is used for e.g. vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and long-range communication, which is carried out using mobile networks. In general, short-range communication is more effective for fast and low-latency communication. Examples of this type of fast communication include the transmission of safety data between vehicles and the transmission of traffic light data to vehicles for the purpose of optimising driving speeds. Communication carried out using mobile networks, on the other hand, is better suited to the utilisation of external analytics and applications that do not depend on fast and real-time data transfer. One example of this type of communication is the utilisation of data collected by traffic cameras and other sensors to optimise driving routes.
Different levels of vehicle automation, from individual driver-assistance systems to full vehicle autonomy, and their different use cases impose various technical requirements on communications networks. These use cases include remote control, remote monitoring and vehicle platooning. Remote control requires a communication network capable of providing a constant connection between the vehicle and the remote control location with low latency and high data transfer speeds, especially if the remote control solution makes use of a high-quality video feed. Remote monitoring can be utilised to predict vehicle maintenance needs and track the location of the vehicle, for example. Remote monitoring does not require a communications network capable of providing a constant connection, and the amounts of data transmitted are lower than in remote control.
Vehicle platooning means having a group of two or more vehicles drive very closely together while automatically matching their speed to the vehicle driving at the front of the group. Vehicle platooning requires all the grouped vehicles to be in constant and rapid communication with each other, exchanging data on changes in distances and driving speeds. This is only possible with reliable, low-latency connections.
Other examples of future use cases include high-quality and high-definition (HD) maps, automated driving and a “SeeThrough” service, in which cameras mounted on vehicles relay images to other vehicles driving behind them. When it comes to technical requirements, some of these use cases hinge primarily on the reliability and coverage of communications networks, while others are dependent on fast data transmission and low latency.
Transport system and traffic automation services impose a variety of technical requirements on communications networks, which neither short-range vehicle-to-vehicle networks nor long-range mobile networks can meet alone. Because of this, the smart mobility communications networks of the future will most likely be based on hybrid solutions utilising both short-range and long-range communication.
Traficom facilitates the fulfilment of current and future communication needs in road transport by ensuring the national availability of well-functioning frequencies for each application, issuing radio licences and, where possible, exempting radio systems needed for road transport from licencing. In addition to this, we contribute actively to the identification of future technological needs and international work for ensuring that advancements in the automation and digitalisation of road transport are not impeded by national borders. We are also actively involved in the definition of 6G technology, which will enable the creation of new solutions needed for road transport automation.
The modernisation of railway radio systems is already underway
In Finland, the GSM-R network used for railway communication, which was based on 2G mobile network technology, reached the end of its life cycle and was subsequently decommissioned at the end of April 2019. Instead of updating its GSM-R network, Finland moved railway voice communication over to the public authority network Virve until such time that the next generation radio network for railway communication to be developed in Europe enters the market.
The European next-generation radio network for railway communication, known as the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS), is based on mobile communication technology, and the associated European frequency planning has already been completed. This new radio network is intended to be used for both access control and voice communication in the future.
FRMCS utilises broadband mobile communication technology. Finland is aiming to allow the use of commercial mobile networks even for critical railway radio communication within the framework of FRMCS, as long as they meet the strict coverage and quality requirements defined for railway radio networks.
In Finland, new railway communication solutions are being tested and implemented especially in the Digirail project. Traficom is also participating in the project and thus facilitating the creation of a reliable and appropriate future communication service for the needs of the rail transport sector.
Marine radio frequencies function globally
Traficom acts as the spectrum management authority in Finland, enabling the interference-free operation of marine radio equipment in Finnish waters. The ship station licences issued by Traficom are internationally recognised, allowing ships sailing under the Finnish flag to operate in all the seas of the world. In addition to them, Traficom also issues radio licences for testing and implementing radio systems for the purpose of building private mobile networks at ports, for example.
Marine VHF radio is a worldwide communication network for all seafarers, through which visiting ships are provided with the ship services that they need.
Marine VHF radio provides security in the event of emergency
Marine VHF radio is the most important means of communication for boaters at sea, especially for safety-related communications. Marine VHF radio enables direct communication between a boat and a maritime rescue coordination centre or between boats even outside of mobile network coverage. Marine VHF radio is an international system and operates primarily based on the same rules and principles everywhere in the world. Using marine VHF radio requires a personal maritime radio certificate and a ship station licence, which are issued by Traficom.
Marine VHF radio channels typically always have multiple users or user groups. Because of this, the use of marine VHF radio channels is subject to some quite specific international rules. These rules define a specific purpose for each channel, along with potential restrictions. The most important of these purposes is distress and safety radio communication: marine VHF radio channels 16 and 70 operate as dedicated distress, safety and calling channels. According to international rules, these channels can only be used for the aforementioned purposes everywhere in the world. Transmissions on these channels must be kept as short as possible, so that the usability of distress and safety frequencies for this purpose can be effectively safeguarded. The investigation of any interference in the distress and safety frequencies is also highly prioritised at Traficom.
Other uses of marine VHF radio include calling other stations, ship-to-ship/shore communication, port operations and manouvering directions communications and public correspondence. There are dedicated radio channels for each of these. Channels dedicated to commercial ship-to-shore communication are also prioritised in Traficom’s interference monitoring. In the Gulf of Finland, this also applies to the ship-to-shore channels used by Estonia and the Russian Federation.
Use of marine VHF radio is on the rise
In Finland, the number of vessels equipped with marine VHF radio equipment is approximately 14,000, and the number of marine VHF shore stations is 300–400. The use and importance of marine VHF radio will only increase in the future, as it is being increasingly used in shipping channel monitoring and by ports. In the future, marine VHF radio equipment will also replace emergency rockets and flares on leisure craft. The maritime transport sector is also adopting new digital communication services for traffic monitoring and control, which will significantly increase the use of marine VHF radio in the future. New data services will also increase its use especially in professional seafaring.
As the use of marine VHF radio continues to increase, the limited number of channels will need to be divided among an increasingly large number of users, which may lead to congestion on general channels, forcing users to adapt their operations accordingly. The increasing use of marine VHF radio will also make international frequency coordination more challenging, particularly in the Gulf of Finland. International frequency coordination is regulated through agreements to reduce interference and steer the future use of frequencies. Solutions to the radio channel scarcity problem have also been sought through global frequency planning. Whatever solutions end up being adopted, the transition period will inevitably be long, as radio stations operating based on any new rules cannot be deployed before the world merchant fleet is equipped with compatible equipment.
Marine radio equipment is evolving
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) continues to develop the e-navigation concept, the purpose of which is to increase maritime safety in merchant shipping through better ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication. This will increase the use of medium frequencies (MF) in the coming years. In Finland, the Finnish Border Guard maintains an MF distress and safety radio network used in seafaring. Additionally, Traffic Management Finland Group maintains differential GPS (D-GPS) reference stations that operate on low frequencies (LF) and serve radio navigation. Merchant ships used for international trade will continue to use MF/HF radio stations in the future as well due to the short range of VHF and the high cost of satellite communication.
IMO will be updating the Global Maritime Distress And Safety System (GMDSS) in 2024, which will introduce some changes to how radio frequencies are used in the maritime sector. The use of marine LF, MF, HF and VHF frequencies is critical to maritime safety, which is why they must be protected from interference as effectively as possible in these frequency ranges.
In the future, the maritime sector will utilise a wide range of different radio systems for automation. In addition to current terrestrial and satellite radio systems and radio navigation, future marine automation systems will also make use of mobile communication technologies and new satellite communication solutions. The use cases and business requirements of marine automation are being actively researched. Some of the first smart fairway and remote pilotage systems based on new telecommunications solutions have already been tested in Finland. It should also be noted that solutions utilising digitalisation and 4G/5G mobile communication technologies are already being extensively utilised at ports.
Aviation relies on radio communication
Traficom acts as Finland’s spectrum management authority for radio frequencies used in aviation, facilitating their interference-free use by aircraft and ground operations. We also represent Finland in bodies involved in the management of aviation radio frequencies outside of radio frequency administration, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Aviation radio communication
Aviation radio equipment includes radio equipment used on both aircraft and the ground. Aircraft radio equipment is used for voice and data communication with air traffic control and other aircraft and for navigation. Ground-based radio equipment serve as counterparts to aircraft radio equipment and are used to provide air navigation services, such as navigation and relaying voice communication between air traffic control, aircraft and aviation companies. Private pilots use radiotelephony in powered flight, soaring and parachute operations, among others. The use of radio frequencies by these user groups has not significantly changed in recent years, nor are any significant changes expected to occur in the near future.
The aviation VHF (very high frequency) communication band 118–137 MHz is congested in Central Europe. To enable a larger number of channels, Europe has adopted a 8.33 kHz channel width alongside the “standard” spacing of 25 kHz, effectively tripling the number of available channels.
Aviation navigation systems
Aviation radio navigation means the continuous determination of the location, speed, distance, elevation and direction of an aircraft using radio waves. Aircraft navigation in the airspace reserved for line flying is based primarily on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Secondary navigation systems are based on VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) beacons and distance measurement equipment (DME) on the ground and inertial navigation systems installed on aircraft. In control zones, terminal control areas and flight information zones, navigation is also supported by the instrument landing system (ILS) and approach beacons. Aircraft also use radio altimeters.
The Finnish air traffic surveillance system consists of radar installations, the technology of which is based on secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponders on aircraft or pulse-based primary surveillance radar (PSR). Secondary surveillance radar can only detect targets that are transmitting their identity code to the radar installation. If an aircraft does not have a transponder or its transponder has been turned off or is malfunctioning, the aircraft cannot be detected/identified with secondary surveillance radar.
The current aviation satellite navigation system relies primarily on the GPS. In Europe, the GPS is supplemented by the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), a satellite-based augmentation system. The system uses Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Stations (RIMS) on the ground to monitor the signals transmitted by GPS satellites and calculates positioning data corrections based on collected data, which are transmitted via EGNOS satellites to EGNOS receivers on aircraft.
There are two RIMS located in Finland, one in Virolahti and another in Kuusamo. The EGNOS system will also be updated in the future to supplement Galileo positioning signals. After this, aircraft navigation will rely on both Galileo and the GPS, both of which will be supplemented by the EGNOS.
DME and ILS will be preserved as backup systems to GNSS. Other traditional aircraft navigation systems will be gradually phased out.
Unmanned aviation is increasing and requires radio frequencies
Drone operations are growing rapidly, and the drone market is expected to provide significant commercial benefits to a number of industries. The growth of the drone market has been facilitated by the opening of airspace to low-altitude operations, the regulation of drone operations and the coordination of unmanned aviation with other aviation.
The word ‘drone’ refers to various, usually small remote-controlled aircraft, such as different types of helicopters or model aircraft. Drones are usually controlled from the ground. Drones can also carry various measurement and camera equipment, such as video cameras that transmit a real-time feed from the aircraft to the remote control location. Drones can be effective for carrying out a variety of tasks, such as inspecting power lines, monitoring crop development, forest research, various photography and surveillance tasks and transmitting a situational picture of an accident site to the authorities. Unmanned aircraft can also be used to quickly transport goods from one place to another. In the future, remote-controlled passenger flights may also become commonplace.
It is likely that in the future, drones flying Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) will rely primarily on the mobile network. In addition to relaying control signals, the mobile network will also be used by various payloads, such as video equipment used to transmit a video feed from the aircraft to users. This will, of course, limit the use of drones to areas with mobile network coverage, unless the operating area is expanded with satellite connections, for example. Furthermore, the use of drones will be subject to the same limitations as the use of other mobile devices: the service level will vary by place and time and also depend on network load. Since contemporary mobile networks were never designed to be used from the air, their extensive use from the air could cause network disruptions. However, Finland currently has a fixed-term arrangement in place to promote the licence-exempt use of mobile networks for drone operations, according to which mobile network terminal devices may be used on board airborne aircraft without a licence if they are needed for certain official duties of the authorities or functions vital for the security of supply. For drone operations unrelated to the authorities' official duties or functions vital for the security of supply, Traficom may also, with the consent of the relevant mobile operator, grant a radio licence that enables using mobile network terminal devices on board aircraft.
Finland participates actively in the frequency work of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), the aim of which is to find joint European solutions for the licence-exempt use of mobile networks in aviation. In addition to this, Traficom participates in the work of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to find new frequencies for public authorities’ use of drones globally.
The exact telecommunications needs of extensive drone operations are not yet known. What is known, however, is that enabling drone operations without disrupting other network users will require a new approach to network management, in addition to which mobile networks may need to be optimised to serve airborne users. These developments are facilitated by joint research and pilot projects between the drone industry and the telecommunications industry.
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