Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Data altruism means that persons or organisations disclose and share data for objectives of general interest. Such objectives can include the facilitation of health care, decision-making, the collection of statistics and scientific research, for example. Entities that make available this kind of data of general interest can register as recognised data altruism organisations with Traficom.

Registration of data altruism organisations

As of the start of 2024, data altruism organisations can register themselves as such if they so choose. By registering, an organisation can be granted the right to call itself a recognised data altruism organisation and use a common logo.

In order to qualify for registration in the public register of recognised data altruism organisations, an entity must

  • carry out data altruism activities
  • be a legal person established pursuant to national law
  • operate on a not-for-profit basis and be legally independent from any entity that operates on a for-profit basis
  • carry out its data altruism activities through a structure that is functionally separate from its other activities
  • comply with the European Commission’s rulebook.

Registering as a data altruism organisation will be possible on this site.

Traficom maintains Finland’s public national register of recognised data altruism organisations. Furthermore, the European Commission maintains a public EU register of recognised data altruism organisations for information purposes. For more information on the information stored in the register and the processing thereof, please see the privacy statement.

If an entity is registered in the public national register of recognised data altruism organisations, it may use the label ‘data altruism organisation recognised in the Union’ in its communication, as well as a common logo. 
