Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Data intermediation services function as neutral third parties that connect data owners willing to share data with data users. Data intermediation services enable the transmission of data between different actors and applications based on agreements. As of the start of 2024, companies providing data intermediation services are required to submit notifications of their activities to Traficom.

Data intermediation services are required to submit notifications to Traficom

As of the start of 2024, Traficom will start accepting notifications from data intermediation services.
Service providers can request confirmation of their submission of the notification when submitting it. Traficom will provide the confirmation in the form of a separate email message within one week of the submission of the notification.

You can also ask Traficom to confirm whether the company for which you submitted the notification meets the requirements set for data intermediation services. Companies that receive confirmation of this from Traficom may use the label ‘recognised data intermediation service’ and a common logo.

Traficom will relay the information provided in notifications to the European Commission, which maintains a register of all data intermediation services providers. For more information on the information stored in the register and disclosed to the Commission, please see the privacy statement.

Data intermediation services must also submit notifications of changes

If the information notified to Traficom changes, the data intermediation services provider must notify Traficom of the changes within 14 days. If a data intermediation services provider discontinues its activities, it must notify Traficom of this within 15 days. Notifications of changes are submitted via email to 
