Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

As a domain name holder, or data subject, you have the right:

  • to know who uses your personal data

Registrars and Traficom process the personal data of a domain name holder. Registrars can use subcontractors (resellers) in the provision of domain name services and registrars take full responsibility of their actions.

  • to know the purpose for using your personal data

The personal data of a domain name holder is used for registering and managing domain names, and for resolving disputes related to fi-domain names. Registrars register and manage domain names. Traficom administers the domain name register for the .fi domain and resolves disputes on fi-domain names at the request of right holders.

Data from the fi-domain name register is published in the domain name search tool and the so-called WHOIS service, as well as via the OData interface. If a domain name is registered to a private person, the only published information is the domain name status. No information on domain names registered to private persons is disclosed via the OData interface.

  • to review and correct your personal data

As a domain name holder, you have the right to know whether Traficom processes your personal data and to access this data. You may request access to your personal data using the electronic form.

You have the right to request Traficom to correct any inaccurate personal data and complete any incomplete data. If you want to correct or complete your data, use the rectification form. 

  • to access your own data

The fi-domain name registrar and Traficom must give the fi-domain name registrant a confirmation that its personal data is or is not processed. If the data is processed, the fi-domain name registrant has the right to access its own personal data.

  • to restrict the processing of your own personal data

The fi-domain name registrant can send a request to both the fi-domain name registrar and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency to limit the processing of its own personal data in situations according to Article 18 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

  • to make a complaint with a supervisory authority

The fi-domain name registrant has the right to bring the matter to the Data Protection Ombudsman if the data subject considers that the processing of its personal data infringes applicable legislation. This right is without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy.

More information on the processing of personal data at Traficom.

