Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Check whether the domain name you want is available. If the domain name is registered, you can see the holder’s information.


If the domain name is available, follow these steps


Make sure that the domain name does not infringe a protected name or trademark owned by another party.

Consult the public registers to verify that the domain name is lawful.

If the domain name is registered

You can see the details of the domain name. The details of a registered domain name reveal the date when the domain name will be available for application, unless the current holder renews it.

Domain name status

Domain name statusMeaning
AvailableThe domain name is available for registration.
RegisteredThe domain name has already been registered. The domain name will become available for registration one month (grace period) after the expiration, unless the holder renews the domain name.
Temporarily removed from fi-rootThe domain name has temporarily been removed from the domain name register and fi-root by Traficom's decision and cannot be registered.
Transfer deniedThe domain name has already been registered. At the moment, the domain name cannot be transferred to another holder by law.
In grace periodThe domain name has been removed from the domain name register by Traficom's decision or the holder’s request. It will become available for registration one month (grace period) after the removal from register, unless the holder cancels the removal during the grace period.
Validity expiredThe domain name has already been registered. The domain name will become available for registration one month (grace period) after the expiration, unless the holder renews the domain name.

If the domain name search returns the result The domain name you searched for does not comply with formal requirements, you cannot register the domain name.

Who is the holder of a registered domain name?

Public information of a registered domain name include: 

  • holder’s name and contact information, if the holder is a company
  • registration and expiration dates of the domain name.

If the domain name holder is

  • a private person, you can only see the domain's name
  • a company or an organisation, you can see the company's name and contact details. Making email address publicly available is optional.

You can see the public information of your own fi-domain names using the search tool. If your contact details have changed, remember to ask your registrar to update them as soon as possible.
