Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

If you want to make any changes to your domain name, contact your registrar.

Your registrar performs all changes you may need to your domain name. Contact your registrar when you want to:

  • update your contact details
  • renew your domain name 
  • transfer your domain name to another holder
  • remove your domain name from the register
  • change your registrar.
  • If you are not sure whether your registrar can help you, read more about how authorities can assist you.

Keep your contact details up to date

Check that your contact details are up to date and notify any changes to your registrar. Your registrar updates the information to the domain name register maintained by Traficom. Your contact details are not automatically updated based on the Population Information System or registers maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office.

Old or incorrect contact details, email address in particular, may jeopardise your right to the fi-domain name in case you cannot be reached.

Traficom may contact you in fi-domain name issues and send related decisions to the email and postal addresses you have provided.

Remember that it is a crime to intentionally enter false details in an official register.

Renew your domain name in time

An fi-domain name is valid for a fixed period (1 to 5 years). Contact your registrar to renew your domain name.

You can transfer your domain name to another holder or remove it from the register

If you do not need your fi-domain name anymore, you can transfer it to another holder. You can also remove your domain name from the register before it expires. Your registrar performs the transfer or removal on your behalf. To transfer your domain name to another holder, your need a holder transfer key that is valid for 30 days.

If you want to transfer your domain name to another holder and change registrars at the same time, contact your registrar for assistance. If you want to authorise the new holder's registrar to perform the transfers, you have to provide both the holder transfer key and the registrar transfer key to this registrar.

Changing registrars

You can change your domain name registrar without any special reason. You can request either your current registrar or the future one to perform the change. You must make the request in writing.

To change your registrar, you need a registrar transfer key that is valid for 30 days. Your registrar must perform the change within a reasonable time.

You can:

  • authorise the new registrar to get the registrar transfer key from your previous registrar; or
  • request the registrar transfer key from your previous registrar yourself and forward it to the new registrar.