Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

A radio licence is required for the use and possession of voice radios and radio transmitters for navigation and landing systems used in aviation operations. On this page you can apply for a radio licence.

In aviation, various radio systems are used for communication between the air traffic control, aircraft, airline and those involved in recreational aviation. The radio systems used in aviation also include aircraft navigation and landing systems. 

The radio systems used in aviation are divided, on the basis of the place of use, to ground-based radio equipment and radio equipment used on board an aircraft. In addition, there are portable radio equipment which can be used both on ground and on board airborne aircraft in accordance with the conditions of the radio licence.

A radio licence is required for the use and possession of these radio transmitters. Radio licences are granted only for equipment that meet the requirements.

Special certificate for aeronautical radiocommunication

The user of a radio transmitter shall check the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s regulation PEL M2-93 to see whether the special certificate required for aeronautical radiocommunication is needed. The certificate is granted by the Traficom.

PEL M2-93 Rajoitettu radiopuhelimenhoitajan kelpuutus (in Finnish and Swedish only)

Ground-based radio equipment and their frequencies

Ground-based radio equipment are radio equipment used on ground or on board aircraft on ground. Ground-based radio equipment and their operational frequencies are presented in the table below:

Beacon (Non-directional radio beacon (NDB), inner/outer approach beacon)255.000–495.000 kHz
505.000–526.500 kHz
Voice radiocommunication (VHF COM)
(VHF base station transmitter, VHF multi-channel transmitter, VHF standby transmitter, portable radiotelephone, vehicular station)
117.975–137.000 MHz
ILS marker transmitter (outdoor marker/middle marker transmitter)75.000 MHz
ILS localizer (LLZ)108.100–111.950 MHz
VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR)111.975–117.975 MHz
ILS glide path transmitter (GP)328.600–335.400 MHz
Distance measuring equipment (DME)962.000–1213.000 MHz

Radio equipment on board aircraft

All radio equipment on board aircraft constitute the radio station of the aircraft. Examples of radio equipment used on board aircraft are

  • Distance measuring equipment (DME)
  • Cospas-Sarsat emergency location transmitter (ELT)
  • Radioaltimeter (RAM)
  • Satellite telephone (SATCOM)
  • Traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS)
  • Transponder (TRP)
  • Aeronautical VHF radiotelephone (VHF AER)
  • Weather radar (WRD)
  • Doppler navigator (DNV)
  • Emergency radio telephone (ERT)
  • Aeronautical HF radiotelephone (HF).

In some cases, the radio station on board an aircraft can also contain a VHF radiotelephone operating on maritime frequencies. This concerns primarily aircraft intended for maritime rescue.

Request aircraft registration mark and/or transponder code reservations by sending an email to

Send register notification for emergency location transmitter (ELT) by email to

Aeronautical portable radio equipment

Handphones which operate on VHF frequencies intended for aviation and which may be used, according to licence conditions, both on ground and on board airborne aircraft (e.g. aeroplanes, hot-air balloons, hang gliders) are called as aeronautical portable radio equipment.

Aeronautical portable radio equipment can be used, for example, in conjunction with hang glider towing or paragliding. Therefore, the use of the equipment differs from the use of ground-based radio equipment. The use of ground-based radio equipment usually requires frequency planning.

If a VHF handphone is a permanent part of the aircraft's radio station, the radio station is reported in the radio licence application for the aircraft.

Uncontrolled aerodromes

Uncontrolled aerodromes, i.e. so-called backwoods airfields, are aerodromes without air traffic control. The use of radio equipment in aerodromes like these (e.g. in private aviation, hang glider towing) on frequencies intended for aviation requires a radio licence. The radio licence entitles to use radio transmitters on all uncontrolled aerodromes in Finland on frequencies allocated in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), part AD2 (External link).

Air competitions

Air competitions require a radio licence. The radio licence entitles to use radio transmitters in competitions on a frequency allocated for competition operations.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

The topic is covered in detail on page Frequency issues for unmanned aviation .

Licence-exempt radio frequencies

Licence-exempt radio transmitters may be used in aviation, if the requirements set for radio transmitters are fulfilled.
