CONSENT: visitor statistics

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We compile visitor statistics on the use of the website. Our cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information. The information is only stored on Traficom’s servers.

Read more: About this site


Statistics help us improve our service. They are also used in reports concerning Traficom.

Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Ask about TV or radio reception advertising or other matters concerning TV, radio or on-demand services.

You can contact our customer service in matters related to TV and radio. We will reply to messages within five working days. We provide service in Finnish, Swedish and English. Phone calls made to our customer service will be recorded for the purposes of verifying services, handling complaints, development and quality control. The legal basis for processing is a statutory obligation.

Contact us

Contact form

Ask about TV or radio reception, advertising or other matters concerning TV, radio or on-demand services. Our customer service will reply to questions sent using the contact form within five working days.
Go to the form


+358 29 5345 633

Our service hours are 9.00–15.00 from Monday to Friday.

You can call Traficom without any additional charges. For calls and queuing, you will only be charged your own operator’s local network charge or mobile call charge.
