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Front Page: Traficom

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) audits Finland as one of its Member States in the turn of October-November. Through audits, the IMO aims to ensure that Member States meet their international obligations and develop their maritime administration. A wide range of actors from the Finnish maritime administration are involved, and they have prepared for the audit together.

The objective of the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) is to contribute to the consistent and effective implementation of applicable IMO agreements and to help Member States improve their maritime administration. 

The audit of Finland will take place 28 October - 4 November 2024 in Helsinki. The audit programme is extensive and includes a wide range of actors from the Finnish maritime administration. The audit date moved forward two weeks from the previously announced date.

“We have a tough week ahead, during which we must be able to demonstrate that Finland is doing what it has promised. We have a large number of ministries and organisations in charge of maritime administration. Good everyday cooperation and preparing closely together are the basis of the demonstration,” says Senior Specialist Hanna Suutarla, coordination and national contact person for the IMSAS audit.

Underlying close cooperation

Finland has prepared for the audit by assembling an audit coordination group of maritime administration actors and by introducing a maritime administration review that combines maritime administration actors once a year. 

This year’s review was held on 22 August. Present at the review were Ministry of Transport and Communications, Traficom, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland, Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Finnish Border Guard, Finnish Environment Institute Syke, Finnish Customs, Fintraffic, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of the Interior Department for Rescue Services and Safety Investigation Authority, Finland.

The review covered the performance of the administration, changes in the field of operations and necessary corrective measures. The review procedure is also Finland's tool for correcting future audit findings and developing the operations of the administration.

IMSAS ties together the responsibilities of the IMO and the Member State

The mission of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is to create a fair and efficient, globally implemented regulatory framework for the maritime industry that promotes safe, reliable, environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable maritime operations. 

Each Member State, for its part, has the responsibility of implementing IMO regulation in national law and the obligation to organise its maritime administrations so that they can fulfil their responsibilities as flag, port and coastal states. 

IMO regulation will only be enforced with the actions of the Member States, meaning that all individual actions are carried out by the Member States. This includes ship inspections, surveys, traffic control, sea rescue, maritime training and certification, as well as monitoring and sanctioning violations.