Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The new Digital Services Act gives different entities the option of applying for the status of trusted flagger, giving them priority when notifying online platforms of illegal content. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom has already approved three trusted flaggers.

In June 2024, Traficom awarded the status of trusted flagger to two entities that focus on tackling illegal content on the internet aimed at children and young people in particular. The newly approved trusted flaggers are Save the Children Finland and Somis Enterprises Oy, which provides the Someturva service.

“Protecting children and youth online is one of the key goals of the Digital Services Act. That is why it is great to see actors that have particular expertise about risks affecting underage people become trusted flaggers,” says Traficom’s Legal Counsel Anne Kaartinen.

Finland distinguishing itself by its level of activity 

Earlier in spring 2024, Traficom also awarded the status of trusted flagger to the Copyright Information and Anti-Piracy Centre (CIAPC), which focuses on tackling the unauthorised use of content protected by copyright. CIAPC was the first entity in Europe to be awarded the status of trusted flagger.

“It is great to see Finnish entities seize this opportunity so quickly and for the first trusted flaggers in Europe to consist primarily of Finnish entities. This will benefit Finnish internet users most of all,” states Kaartinen.

Together towards a safer internet 

Trusted flaggers play an important role in promoting the goals of the Digital Services Act of making the online world safer and more reliable. To this end, trusted flaggers have special rights and responsibilities on online platforms, such as social media services. Online platforms must give priority to notifications of illegal content submitted by trusted flaggers and process them without delay, promoting a quicker and more efficient response to illegal content.

Traficom can award the status of trusted flagger to an entity that has particular expertise and competence for the purposes of detecting, identifying and notifying illegal content.

The Digital Services Act also requires online platforms to provide all users with the option of easily submitting notifications about content that they suspect of being illegal or violating the terms and conditions of the platform. The online platform must respond to every notification and provide information on the actions that they have taken in response.

Further information:

Anne Kaartinen, Legal Counsel, , tel. +358 29 5390 664
Jarmo Riikonen, Project Manager, , tel. +358 29 5347 385