File Download Service
Spatial datasets are available through the Download and View Service of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency. The datasets are made available both as a file download service and as web services.
Please note that the service has been updated on with a new Oskari version. To avoid errors, users must clear their browser cache before using the service. Otherwise map layers may not be displayed correctly. (External link)
The file download service allows users to view and download data using a map-based interface. Users can select the data and region they would like to view or download. Once this selection has been made, the service sends the user an email with a download link. The datasets are delivered as shape (.shp) -files.
The Download and View Service also contains some sets of background data that are not available for download (e.g. S-57 ENC and the Traficom WMTS view service).
View Service (WMTS) (External link)
The service is based on raster-format nautical chart data on sea areas and inland waterways produced by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (External link). The Finnish Transport Agency was responsible for producing the data until the end of 2018. The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency managed the data during the administrative reform in 2019. The data is limited to Finnish waters, and data from neighbouring countries is thus not available through the service.
The data is updated shortly following the publication of new chart editions. The datasets in the service are not continuously updated to reflect chart corrections (Notices to Mariners).
The service has been designed for use as a background map in general non-commercial applications. The data available in this service is not suitable for navigation and does not meet the requirements for an official nautical chart specified in the new Water Traffic Act, which entered into force on 1 June 2020.
(More information on the distribution channels of nautical charts and hydrographic data )
The service does not differentiate between data based on different vertical coordinate reference systems, which may result in inconsistencies between chart combinations during the N2000 reform.
The service supports the EPSG:3395 and the JHS 180 Recommendation (External link) -compliant (pdf) EPSG:3067 and EPSG:3857 tile sets.
The data in the view service is licensed under the Hydrographic Data Licence.