Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom alerts about scam messages sent in the name of Traficom. The messages claim that the recipient has an unpaid fine of EUR 100. This is a phishing message trying to get you to click the link in the message and give your bank credentials to criminals.

Sinulla on maksamatta 100 euron suuruinen sakko
Picture of a scam message

Do as follows:

Do not click on any links in e-mail or text messages.  

Do not enter any services via links or search engine results but enter the entire web address on the address bar. 

Store the web addresses of your most important services in your browser's bookmarks or favourites that make it safe to navigate to them.

If you by mistake have given your credit card details or your online bank credentials it is possible that you have become a victim of fraud. Contact first your own bank and after that, file a police report. You should also report attempts of fraud.a.