Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Before a new or modified railway vehicle can be used on the EU railway network, it must be granted an authorisation. This can be granted to a vehicle and/or vehicle type (vehicle type authorisation) or to an individual vehicle that conforms to an already approved vehicle type (vehicle authorisation for placing on the market).

Who can apply for a vehicle authorisation for placing on the market or vehicle type authorisation?

Both authorisations can be applied for by natural and legal persons. The law does not restrict who can submit an application: the applicant may be a railway undertaking, an infrastructure manager, or the manufacturer, owner or holder of a vehicle.

The One-Stop Shop (OSS) cannot be used to apply for special permissions, temporary authorisations for testing, or authorisations for museum train traffic operators or railway traffic between Finland and Russia. These must still be applied for directly from Traficom, as before.

How to apply


Submit your application

All applications for vehicle and/or vehicle type authorisation must be submitted electronically via the One-Stop Shop (OSS). This applies to the first railway vehicle authorisation for placing on the market and/or vehicle type authorisation (new model), changes to an already approved vehicle and/or vehicle type, authorisations for an extended area of use, vehicles conforming to an already approved vehicle type and the renewal of vehicle type authorisations.

You can submit your application to Traficom via the OSS in Finnish, Swedish or in English.


Receiving the decision

All decisions on vehicle or vehicle type authorisations will be stored in the OSS. In the OSS, you can only view information on your own applications.

Once the authorisation has been granted, the details of the vehicle type will be published in the European Register of Authorised Vehicle Types (ERATV). Certain documents concerning the authorisation process will also be published in the European Railway Agency Database of Interoperability and Safety (ERADIS).

In addition to Finnish and Swedish, Traficom may issue decisions in English if the applicant is located abroad or is a foreign national.


For processing authorisations for placing on the market (including the pre-engagement phase), Traficom charges a fee of €250/h. The price of work is the same regardless of whether the application is processed by Traficom or ERA.


Traficom provides guidance in the general application process and in using the OSS. If you have any questions about rolling stock authorisations, please feel free to contact us directly.

Ville-Veikko Savolainen,, puh. +358 (0)29 534 6839

Jarkko Kulmakorpi,, +358 (0)29 534 7348