Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

In the service, you can give feedback on the information contained in nautical charts. The primary chart base used in the application always corresponds to the most recent version of the relevant electronic navigational chart (ENC). In a separate drop-down menu, users can change the chart base and select any other nautical chart published by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), i.e. nautical chart folios, inland waterway charts, coastal charts, harbour charts and general charts.

The location that the feedback concerns can be marked on the chart by giving the relevant coordinates, finding the user’s current location or using the drawing tools provided to mark the location with a marker, line or an area. Users can also attach files, such as images, to support their observations. Customer feedback is assessed in relation to the chart and survey data available to Traficom. Once the processing of a feedback entry has begun, the location will be shown in the application available to customers. If necessary, Traficom will contact the customer to request additional information.

Each year, Traficom receives plenty of feedback from customers on the contents of nautical charts. In most cases, feedback results in changes to charts. The most urgent changes are published in connection with updates to electronic navigational charts and in Notices to Marines. Less urgent changes are published in future editions of nautical charts.