Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

In the service you can search for chartcorrections and other informative notifications published as Notices to Mariners.

Notices to Mariners provide information about changes and arrangements regarding;

  • chart corrections
  • changes in aids to navigation
  • obstructions to navigation
  • nautical publications

The service is based on the standard S-4 of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). The purpose of the service is to publish updates to printed copies of nautical charts and other products and to provide information on matters that are important to navigational safety.

Maritime transport professionals are required to follow the service and constantly update their nautical charts in accordance with the notices. Boaters are required to follow the service and take the notices into account during journeys requiring route planning. Boaters are strongly advised to continuously follow the service and keep their nautical charts up to date.

Notices to Mariners, search service

In the Notices to Mariners search, chart corrections can be searched by area, product (chart) or by the time of publication. The service includes Notices published since 10.4.2016.

Notices to Mariners, PDF- publications

Notices to Mariners (NtM) are issued as a downloadable PDF booklet every 10 days. Booklets since 2005 are available online. Together with the booklets, a list of temporary and preliminary notices in force and lists of chart corrections per chart product are compiled. The Notices to Mariners General Instructions are updated yearly.