Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Private infrastructure managers may follow the notification procedure instead of applying for a safety authorization. The owner of the private infrastructure manager subject to the notification procedure shall maintain a safety management system to ensure the safe management and use of the private infrastructure.

The notification procedure does not apply primarily to the seaport rail operators and VR-Group Ltd. If necessary, consult Traficom experts for more information on the scope.  

The notification procedure

Private infrastructure manager shall notify Traficom in writing of its operations every three years, by 31 May at the latest. In the case of new operator, the notification shall be made at least six months before the commencement of operations. The notification shall be made separately for each track unit managed by the private infrastructure owner.

The notification includes private infrastructure managers

  • name and contact information
  • safety management system documentation
  • fulfillment of insurance requirements

Safety management system

A safety management system must provide at least the following:

  • The nature and scale of the operation
  • organization and the assignment of responsibilities
  • the usability of railway network and the maintenance of railway network and vehicles
  • Switching and traffic
  • self-control
  • risk management

Additional information about the notification procedure and safety management system can be found in instructions below. Additional information is provided also by our experts:

Olli Matilainen
tel. 029 5346 410

Antti Kesälahti
tel. 029 5345 014