Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The owners of Finnish merchant vessels are required to submit to Traficom information on the seagoing service of their vessels’ crew.

Traficom has given instructions for reporting seagoing service in the Transport Register.

You can submit the information in the following ways:



Vessel owners can submit notices of seagoing service via Traficom’s e-services. The information is recorded based on Finnish personal identity codes and the details included in the Register of Ships. For foreign crew members, Traficom can issue an artificial personal identity code that can be used in the e-service. To receive an artificial code, please contact Traficom at merimiesrekisteri(at)

The login to the e-service is done via e-Authorizations. For more information about the identification, please see website (External link)

Please note that the maximum duration of a session in the e-service is currently 60 minutes. If the session lasts longer than 60 minutes, the process will be interrupted at the latest when you try to send the information. In this case, the information may not be recorded in the register. The service does not indicate how much time you have left.



Shipping companies can report seagoing service via an application programming interface (API) designed for the purpose. The use of the API must always be agreed on with Traficom, because it requires a separate agreement.

In API matters, please contact Traficom at merimiesrekisteri(at) The interface is a RESTful API, and the information is transmitted in XML format.


TXT file

Shipping companies can submit information on seagoing service as a text file (.txt). The file must be sent by email to merimiesrekisteri(at)

Reporting the information in TXT format requires a separate agreement with Traficom.


Service on board vessels flying foreign flags

Information on seagoing service on board a vessel registered abroad can be submitted with a separate notice. The notice must include all the relevant information, such as personal data, vessel data, sing-on and sing-off dates, and the number of actual days of service on board. The notice must be signed by the shipmaster or a shipping company officer.

We recommend that you always use the relevant notice form that includes all the required information. Free-form notices are also accepted as long as they include all the information covered by the form.


merimiesrekisteri (at)

029 534 5000 (local network rate / mobile phone rate)