Ensure that the certificates mentioned on the CSR document are valid
A new CSR document can only be granted when the ship and the shipping company have all necessary certificates.
Is your ship a passenger vessel or a cargo vessel with a gross tonnage of at least 500 tonnes and sailing in international waters? Order a CSR document for the ship.
A new CSR document can only be granted when the ship and the shipping company have all necessary certificates.
If the ship has CSR data from another flag state, submit copies of the previous CSR documents when the ship is transferred to the Finnish register.
If the ship will be deleted from the Finnish register, notify also the contact details of the register of the new flag state.
All information submitted on the amendment notification form must be valid on a date of validity of item 1.
Check that the company information on the notification form has been written in the same manner as in the certificates mentioned in the CSR document.
Ship owner signs the notification.
Deliver the documents by e-mail to kirjaamo@traficom.fi and alusrekisteri@traficom.fi
Handling time is normally about 14 working days.
If there are changes in the owner or home port information, notify the amendments also to the register .