Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom
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FEBRUARY 13, 2020

Scandic Marina Congress Center

Katajanokanlaituri 6, 00160 Helsinki, FINLAND

Organized by The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom and the National Cyber Security Centre Finland under Traficom


12:00 Registration and Lunch

13:00 Program: Part I 

  • Opening Words
  • How Can We Ensure 5G Cybersecurity While Fostering Innovation?
    • Jakub Boratynski, DG CNECT EU Comission
  • Implementing the Cybersecurity Act, Enisa 2.0
    • Steve Purser, ENISA 
  • Remarks by
    • Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications
  • 5G Implementation on a Global Scale and the Role of Collaboration Between Operators
    • Jon France, GSMA
  • Critical Communications and Security in a Connected World
    • Richard Spearman, Vodafone
  • 5G Trust: Threats, Risk, Use, Supervision and Technology
    • Chris Gow, Cisco

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Program: Part II

  • Telecom Cyber Threats - Based on True Stories
    • Mikko Karikytö, Ericsson 
  • Beyond Compliance - Introducing E2E Security in a 5G World
    • Petteri Rantanen, Nokia
  • Innovation Hubs as Essential Enablers of New Technologies
    • Juha Ala-Mursula, BusinessOulu 
  • 6G Flagship Program: Security and Privacy of IoT in Systems Beyond 5G and 6G 
    •  Mika Ylianttila, Oulu University 
  • Hackers' Voice
    • Frank Kleinewoerdemann
  • Insight Board Session
    • Moderator Sauli Pahlman, Director, NCSC-FI
    • Mikko Karikytö, Ericsson
    • Petteri Rantanen, Nokia
    • Tuomo Makkonen, Fraktal 
    • Frank Kleinewoerdemann
    • Juhani Eronen, NCSC-FI
  • Closing Words

18:00 Networking & Buffet

19:30 Forum Closes

Please note: Minor changes possible in the program. 
