Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

We´ll update this travel information page soon. Stay tuned!

Girl with ponytail watching a nightly cityview

Basic Info

Time: Thursday 13.2.2020

Venue & Hotel: Scandic Marina Congress Center (External link)

Address: Katajanokanlaituri 6, 00160 Helsinki

Phone: +358 9 166 61

Google Maps: (External link)

Arrival from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport

Arrival from Helsinki railway station


The onsite car park has 100 spaces for outdoor parking and the hotel next to Marina Congress Center has extra 40 spaces in the garage. Outdoor parking is located both right next to Marina Congress Center and in front of the hotel on the other side of the road.

Outdoor parking costs

EUR 3,5/hour or EUR 18/day per day

Indoor parking

EUR 5/EUR or EUR 25/day
