Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom’s foresight activities focus on examining the phenomena of digital society and cybersecurity, seeking solutions, facilitating discussions and helping companies and the authorities to prepare for the future.

Traficom’s foresight activities follow and analyse the trends affecting our area of operations, identifying weak signals and monitoring the development of digital society's phenomena. The aim of foresight activities is to increase our understanding of the impacts of different phenomena and of the future operating environment of digital communications and cybersecurity. 

In addition to carrying out continuous foresight and horizon scanning, Traficom strives to create and share deeper understanding and create pilot projects in collaboration with other stakeholders. We use agile methods to come up with experimental solutions to issues related to e.g. new technologies or future phenomena that require early involvement as well as new approaches and operating models.

We facilitate discussions to promote cooperation between different organisations and share expertise and information to create and maintain a shared understanding in a changing operating environment. We also produce information to support Traficom’s strategic decision-making and propose different actions.

In addition to horizon scanning, the foresight activities focus on  following main themes

Additional information

Jukka-Pekka Juutinen, Head of Information Security Phenomena and Development, National Cyber Security Centre Finland, tel. +358 (0)29 539 0523, firstname.lastname(at)
Markus Mettälä, Special Adviser, Digital Connections, tel. +358 (0)29 539 0439, firstname.lastname(at)
