Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

We recommend using secure email when sharing private information to ensure that third parties cannot access the information.

To send a secure message (External link), you have to enter your own email address. In addition, you might be required to enter a verification code appearing on the page.


  • From: Enter your own email address.
  • Continue: Log in to the service.



Sending a secure message (External link) requires registration. Go to the service here: (External link)

Once you have entered your email address, you will receive an email containing a personal link. Click on the link to write messages. 


  • Register: Register your email address.
  • Back: If the email address you entered is not correct, go back to the front page and try again.
  • Exit: Cancel registration and end the session.
  • Order new link: If your email address has already been registered, you can request a new link.

New message

You can write and send your message to the receiver confidentially.


  • To: Enter the recipient of the message in this field. If you want to send a message to several recipients, use comma (,) or semi-colon (;) to separate email addresses.
  • Dynamic recipient fields: You can see the validity of a recipient's email address as you type it (red: invalid address, yellow: address not allowed, green: address ok).
  • +: Add new recipient.
  • X: Remove recipient.
  • Address book (for registered users only): The system saves the recipients of your D-Compose messages in your personal address book. As you type a recipient's address, the previous recipients saved in the address book appear on the page.
  • Done: Save changes to recipient address.
  • Edit: Edit recipient address.
  • Subject: Edit message header.
  • Message: Write a message.
  • Attachment: To add attachments, press Choose files and select the file. Press Attach to update the file to the screen. If you have more than one attachment, repeat the above.
  • Remove selected: To remove an attachment, select the check box beside the attachment and press Remove selected.
  • Send: Send the message.
  • Exit: End the session without sending the message.

Message sent

After sending the message, you will receive a confirmation of the delivery.


  • Print: To print the message, click the printer icon on the right side of the page.
  • New message: Send a new message.
  • Exit: End the session.
  • Save: To save the sent message in your computer, select a format from the drop-down menu and press Save.

Save as:

  • Message and attachments (zip): Save the message and attachments as a zip file.
  • Message in text format (txt): Save only the message as a text file.
  • Message in html format (html): Save only the message as an html file.
  • Message and attachments (encrypted zip): Save the message and attachments as a password-protected zip file (enter a password of your choice in the password field and then select Save).

How to clear cache

Remember to clear the cache to make sure that no one else sees your private information, especially if you are using a shared or public computer. You can usually clear the cache on your browser by selecting Tools and then Settings or something similar. For more detailed instructions, use web search engines.

  • In Internet Explorer 11.x, for example:
  • On the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
  • In the Internet Options window, select the General tab.
  • Under the Browsing History section, press Delete...
  • Select Temporary Internet files and website files and confirm by pressing Delete.
  • Finally press OK.

How to remove cookies

You can usually remove cookies on your browser by selecting Tools and then Settings or something similar. For more detailed instructions, use web search engines.

In Internet Explorer 11.x, for example:

  • On the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
  • In the Internet Options window, select the General tab.
  • Under the Browsing History section, press Delete...
  • Select Cookies and website data and confirm by pressing Delete.
  • Finally press OK.

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