Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The prices are effective as of 21 October 2022. All prices exclude value added tax (VAT).

Official services

Information necessary for handling statutory tasks or duties is provided from Transport and Communications Agency’s registers to relevant authorities and partner companies.

No fee is charged from government offices and agencies for the information or information provision services. However, if the disclosure of information requires the Finnish Transport and Communication Agency to sub-contract work to third parties because of, for example, the large volume of data or some other technical reason, the customer will be charged the costs incurred by Traficom for such work,

Persons and entities other than government agencies and public bodies will be charged the fees listed on this page.

No fees are charged from partner companies acting on the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s behalf for application queries made for the performance of assigned official duties.

Public information services

Sales service

Companies offering direct marketing or information service products may enter into an agreement with the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency on the disclosure of data from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's registers.

Data products, other orders and training services

Print products and  copies


In addition to the fee specified in the price list, a separate, fixed postage fee may be charged for postal items. The fee is EUR 5.60. 

When items are posted abroad or dispatched by means other than by post, the dispatch or postage fees exceeding the fixed fee are charged in full.

Payment reminder fee

Payment reminder is EUR 5.00.

The payment reminder fee is charged if an invoice for the above services priced on commercial criteria is not paid by the due date. Under section 6 of the Decree on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State (211/1992), the Interest Act is also applied to delays in payment.

Appeal against a charge

The charges in this price list have been determined on the basis of commercial criteria as referred to in section 7 of the Act on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State (150/1992). Any disputes concerning charges for these performances shall be processed as civil actions in a district court.
