Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Yearly flight hours report should be submitted for each aircraft in the Finnish aircraft registry. Statistics are used to monitor accident density and general development of the Finnish aviation industry.

The duty to report data on flight operations for statistical purposes applies to owners and operators of aircraft registered in Finland. The report must contain details of the aircraft and the exact number of flights, flight hours and landings. 

Submit the report easily in English through e-service, use the link below

The statistics form can be easily submitted in English online. The report can be sent without logging in and the link to e-service can be found below. Flight time must be rounded off to the nearest full hour. The survey is open until 31.1.2025.

Submittance of flight data for year 2024 (External link)  

Privacy Statement (External link)

Frequently asked questions about flight operations reports (External link)

If You have any questions in regards to online survey or flight statistics please contact us at tiedonhankinta (at)
