Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

You may apply to Traficom for a licence, certificate or attestation even if you are not a Finnish citizen. When processing applications, we check that the applicant does not have other applications pending or licences issued in other member states or that a licence previously issued to the applicant has not been revoked in another EASA member state. All licences that a pilot holds must be issued by the authority of the same member state.

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom requires a Finnish personal identity code from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (External link). The personal identity code is used to identify persons in the registers and information systems of different authorities as well as in data communication between them. Traficom must verify the applicant's identity in order to identify the applicant and to carry out tasks related to aviation safety. The applicant must hold a personal identity code when submitting the application.

Under the Language Act, Finnish and Swedish are the official languages used when communicating with the authorities in Finland. The authorities may also provide services in English, if necessary.

In the field of aviation, personnel licences and the related theoretical knowledge examinations, changing the state of licence issue from Finland to another member state, medical certificates and their transfer as well as negative decisions are all subject to a fee. You can check the current prices from the Ministry of Transport and Communications’ Decree on services subject to a fee .


An ICAO pilot licence and certain associated ratings issued under the legislation of a third country may be converted into a Finnish EASA licence once if the below conditions are met. Instructor or examiner certificates included in a third-country licence cannot be converted into an EASA licence.

The applicant is required to have a Finnish personal identity code before sending the application. The application cannot be processed without a Finnish personal identity code.

Cabin Crew

You must apply for a cabin crew attestation in the EASA member state whose authority supervises the training organisation where you completed the cabin crew training.

It is not possible or necessary to change the state of issue.

No incident report

Some airlines want a "No incident report" document from applicants for flight jobs. You can request the document in question via the contact form. Select "Pilot's license" from the "My contact applies" menu and write "No incident report" as the subject.
