Vehicles subject to mandatory roadworthiness inspections must undergo a periodic inspection at certain intervals. During a periodic inspection, the inspector checks the vehicle’s condition and the vehicle information entered in the register. In addition, the payment of any taxes and fees related to the vehicle is also checked.
You can check the deadline for your vehicle’s next inspection
- in My e-Services under the vehicle’s details
- from the inspection certificate
- from the technical section (part I) of the registration certificate
You cannot use a vehicle in traffic if that vehicle has not been inspected during the specified inspection period.
Periodic inspection of a vehicle
Repair reminders
The faults and deficiencies identified in the vehicle during a periodic inspection are to be repaired as soon as possible.
The repairs specified in the inspection are recorded in the Transport Register and are printed on the inspection certificate. The repair reminders are removed from the certificate at the next periodic inspection if the faults have been repaired.
More information about the evaluation criteria used in vehicle inspections (External link) (in Finnish and Swedish)
Follow-up inspection and the use of a vehicle after failing an inspection
My vehicle failed its periodic inspection. What should I do?
Have the faults and deficiencies identified in the vehicle during the periodic inspection repaired as soon as possible.
Take your failed vehicle for a follow-up inspection within 1 month of the inspection. You can select the inspection station you want.
If you are unable to arrange the follow-up inspection within a month, the full inspection has to be done again.
Can I drive my car if it has failed a periodic inspection?
If you have taken your vehicle for its periodic inspection within the inspection period, you can drive it with the faults repaired for 2 months after the failure. In other words, you are only allowed to drive the vehicle on the road if the faults causing the vehicle to fail the inspection have been repaired.
Jos olet vienyt ajoneuvosi katsastettavaksi katsastusajan päätyttyä, ajoneuvosi on käyttökiellossa. Käyttökiellossa olevan ajoneuvosi voit ajaa
- ainoastaan katsastajan antamalla luvalla tai siirtoluvalla korjattavaksi
- ilman lupaa ennalta varattuun katsastuksen jälkitarkastukseen tai määräaikaiskatsastukseen.
Can I drive my car if it has failed a follow-up inspection?
No, you may not until the faults have been repaired. After the faults have been repaired, take the car for another periodic inspection. Before the inspection, you can drive your repaired car for a maximum of 2 months from the date of failure at the original inspection.
Can I use a vehicle that is subject to a prohibition of use on the roads?
No, you may not. You can take a vehicle that is subject to a prohibition of use to be repaired or back for an inspection only with the permission of the vehicle inspector or with a transfer permit.
Periodic inspection of a decommissioned vehicle or a vehicle that has been abroad
Can I have my decommissioned vehicle inspected?
You can take your decommissioned vehicle for a periodic inspection without commissioning the vehicle first. The transfer requires that you have reserved a time for the inspection in advance and that your vehicle has motor vehicle liability insurance. During the transfer, your vehicle must have registration plates attached or a transfer permit and markings.
Please note:
- You can only drive your vehicle from its storage place by the most direct route to a pre-booked inspection.
- You can transfer your vehicle from the inspection directly to the storage place or place where it will be repaired.
- The driving time regulations (such as two months’ driving time) for a vehicle that has failed an inspection do not apply to a decommissioned vehicle.
Commissioning a vehicle again does not require a valid periodic inspection. However, a valid inspection is a requirement to drive a vehicle on the roads.
When must a vehicle that has been abroad and returned to Finland be inspected?
If your vehicle has been abroad for the 30 days prior to the last inspection day, you must have it inspected no later than one month after you have brought it back to Finland. Keep a certificate confirming the vehicle has been abroad with you when you are driving until the inspection has been carried out.