Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The name and address changes of the main units of companies or organisations are automatically updated from the Business Information System (YTJ) to the Transport Register.

Or are you looking for information on how to change the address and name data of a private individual?

Change your address or name data in the Transport Register (External link)

Do the following


Notify the address or name change of the main unit of a company or organisation in the Business Information System (YTJ)

If the address or the name of the company’s main unit changes, submit a notification to the Business Information System based on electronic identification. The new address or name will then also be updated to the Transport Register.

Do the same if you want to enter the company’s PO Box or Poste Restante address in the Transport Register. In this case, the company cannot have another address in the Population Information System.


Notify the address or name change of a site of the company or organisation in Traficom’s My e-Services

A company or organisation must notify the address or name changes of sites other than its main unit to Traficom because this information is not updated from the Business Information System. This also applies to companies whose details cannot be found in the Business Information System at all. 

An organisation’s information may be maintained by a representative of the organisation who has been authorised to sign for the organisation or granted a mandate for the maintenance of transport operator data and permits.

  • Log in to My e-Services

    After identification, select your service role: personal services, acting on behalf of another person or acting on behalf of a company/an organisation.
  • Select Organisation information
  • Select Offices
  • Open the details of the office

If you cannot submit the notification of an address or name change electronically, you can do it by using the form Company/organisation address change notification (Y323). 

Company/organisation address change notification (Y323) (External link) (available in Finnish)
Company/organisation address change notification (Y323r) (External link) (available in Swedish)