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Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

You can pay vehicle tax in one, two or four instalments. It is possible to change the number of instalments once in a tax period.

You must give notification of changing the instalment before the first due date of a new tax period. When you pay your vehicle tax in instalments, a charge of EUR 3 will be added to each instalment.

The vehicle tax instalment can be changed only by the taxpayer. This is the person liable for the vehicle tax.

You are the taxpayer in the following cases:

  • You are the vehicle holder, i.e., the principal user of the vehicle, and this information has been recorded in the Transport Register.
  • You are the vehicle owner and the vehicle does not have a holder according to the Transport Register.

Do the following


Log in to My e-Services

After identification, select personal services or acting on behalf of a company/an organisation as the service role.


You can change the instalment under Vehicles and taxation

Under My vehicles and services, select the vehicle that the instalment change concerns. All vehicles that you own and hold have been listed on the page. Select the registration number that the instalment change concerns.


You have successfully selected the instalment when the confirmation view is displayed.

You may print or save the confirmation if necessary.

The confirmation is also saved in My Activities.


You can go back to check the vehicle details by clicking Vehicle information

You will find the up-to-date tax information under Vehicle tax and services, where you can pay the possible unpaid tax directly.

Frequently asked questions about changing the instalment