Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Using a tractor that is powered by, for example, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas in a task subject to the fuel fee requires payment of the fuel fee. The daily fee is to be paid before starting any driving subject to the fuel fee.

You can pay the fuel fee as a daily fee for registered tractors and traffic tractors. The daily fee cannot be paid for a load-carrying tractor or motorised work machine equipped with hydraulic articulated steering

How to pay the daily fee

  • Use Traficom’s bank account number FI27 8129 9710 0118 26 or FI21 1804 3000 0153 13
  • Write in the message field the registration number and days covered
  • The fee is €5 per day (and can be paid for several days in one go)

Keep with you proof of payment when driving so that this can be shown to the police or customs officials if needed. 

Payment of the daily fee in advance is regarded as sufficient indication that use of fuel subject to a fuel fee has begun. For this reason, it is not necessary to provide Traficom with separate notification of this. 
