Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Check whether you need to submit a notification

A valid passenger or goods transport licence entitles the holder to taxi transport operations. The licence holder must, however, submit a taxi transport operator's notification to Traficom, and a statement by Traficom detailing the fact that the notification has been noted in the Transport Register must be carried in the vehicle during operation. The notification is company-specific, not vehicle-specific.


Submit a taxi transport operator’s notification

Traficom will send the decision to the licence holder when the licence holder has submitted the notification and it has been entered into the Transport Register.

Taxi operations may be started once the passenger or goods transport licence has been issued and Traficom has provided the decision on the notification being entered into the Transport Register.

Notifications will be processed in the order of arrival within approximately two weeks of the commencement of proceedings.

Submit a taxi transport operator’s notification (External link)


Notification validity

When the transport licence expires or if the transport licence is revoked, the company’s right to taxi operations is terminated. If the company wants to continue taxi operations, it must apply for a taxi transport licence.

The service provider may also report the termination of their operations and ask to have the register entry concerning the taxi operations to be removed.


Applicable requirements concerning taxi operations

Taxi operators must comply with all taxi transport requirements, such as those regarding driver competence, information on fares, interface obligations and the vehicle used for transport.

Taxi operations may be carried out using a passenger car, van, lorry, tricycle, light quadricycle or heavy quadricycle, but not a bus.


Telephone service
+358 29 534 5181
MonFri 8.00-16.15
