Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

As of its withdrawal from the European Union on 1 January 2021, known as “Brexit”, the United Kingdom (UK) is considered a third country. Third countries are countries that are not members of the European Union or the European Economic Area. The third-country status of the UK also affects the import of watercraft and their engines.

Products imported from the UK are treated in the same way as products imported from other third countries (compare with the USA).

Watercraft and engines falling within the scope of the Recreational Craft Directive must bear the CE marking and be accompanied by a declaration of conformity. If the CE marking is missing, the watercraft must undergo a post-construction assessment in accordance with the Recreational Craft Directive.

This means that even in the case of used watercraft or engines, a declaration of conformity in Finnish or Swedish must be presented for import and registration.

Watercraft and engines that have been manufactured, placed on the market or used in the current EU or EEA area and later exported into the UK are accepted as such if they are imported from the UK into Finland at a later time. The origin of the products must be determined and it must be ensured that they have previously been in use in the current EU or EEA area.

Watercraft and engines manufactured and placed on the market in a country that is not a member of the EU or EEA and imported directly from the UK into Finland for recreational use are processed in the same manner as other products imported from third countries.

The status of distributors importing watercraft and engines from the UK has also changed as of 1 January 2021. As they are now considered importers, their obligations under the Recreational Craft Act (External link) have changed accordingly (Act only available in Finnish and Swedish).

Manufacturer’s codes and notified bodies

If a manufacturer established in the UK has a manufacturer’s code issued by the UK authorities, it must apply to the national authorities of an EU Member State for a new manufacturer’s code.

Manufacturers established in third countries and intending to place their products on the EU market must similarly apply to the national authorities of an EU Member State for a new manufacturer’s code if they have a manufacturer’s code issued by the UK authorities.

Certificates under the Recreational Craft Directive issued by notified bodies established in the UK are no longer valid in the EU/EEA. Manufacturers must obtain new certificates from notified bodies established in the EU/EEA.

Exporting watercraft to the UK

Watercraft must meet the UKCA requirements applied in the UK and bear the markings specified in the requirements. During a transitional period (currently until 31 December 2024), watercraft with the CE marking may also be exported to the UK. However, manufacturers must register their manufacturer’s codes in the UK.
