Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Domain name holders are responsible for making sure that the domain name they have registered is lawful. The domain name must not infringe a protected name or trademark owned by another party. Traficom can remove an unlawfully registered fi-domain name from the domain name register if the domain name infringes a protected name or trademark owned by another party.

Traficom cannot:

  • remove a domain name based on website content
  • assess the lawfulness of website content
  • order website content to be removed or website to be shut down.

You can report website content to the police (External link). (External link)

A domain name can be removed from the register at the request of the owner of a protected name or trademark, if:

A domain name can be removed from the domain name register if the domain name holder's information in the register is insufficient or incorrect and the information is not corrected within a required period of time. A domain name is also removed if a court has issued a final decision on the removal.

Returning a domain name to its original holder

If a domain name has been transferred to someone else without the holder's consent, the original holder can request the domain name to be returned to them. There must be strong evidence that the domain name has been transferred without the original holder's consent.
