Traficom grants a safety authorisation to infrastructure managers operating in Finland. The safety authorisation indicates that the manager has at their disposal a compliant safety management system, which ensures the ability to manage infrastructure safely.
Traficom grants the infrastructure manager a safety authorisation for the design, construction, maintenance and management of the infrastructure. The safety authorisation is an indication that the infrastructure manager has respected the safety requirements in their operations and is able to operate as an infrastructure manager on a part of the infrastructure it administers.
The condition for obtaining a safety authorisation is that the infrastructure manager has a functional safety management system. Additional information and description of a safety management system required for a safety authorisation is found on Safety management system for railway undertakings (External link)-site.
Applying for a safety authorisation
Familiarize yourself with the European and national legislation governing the management of the infrastructure
The Commission Recommendation on practical arrangements for issuing safety authorisations to infrastructure managers (EU) 2019/780 is an essential decree of the application for safety authorization.
Hakemuksen käsittely ja vaatimuksenmukaisuuden arviointi
Traficom tarkastaa, että hakemuksessa ja sen liitteissä on riittävät tiedot hakemuksen käsittelyä varten, ja pyytää tarvittaessa lisätietoja, jotta vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointi voidaan aloittaa.
Päätös hyväksynnästä
Päätös hyväksynnästä tehdään neljän kuukauden kuluessa siitä, kun Traficomille on toimitettu kaikki hyväksynnän edellyttämät tiedot.