Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Sailing directions are publications aimed at supporting navigation and nautical charts.

As a part of the N2000 fairway and nautical chart reform, Traficom will also start publishing Sailing Directions.

The first Sailing Directions are published 20.12.2021.

Part 1 - Sailing directions for Finnish waters, general information

Sailing directions for Finnish waters - Part 1, contains general information, guidelines and links to further information. (pdf) (External link)

Part 2 - Channel descriptions of Main approach channels

The channel descriptions include depth- and design-data with general notes on usage of the main approach channels.

Main approach channels 2.3.3 - Bay of Bothnia (External link)

Main approach channels 2.3.2 - The Quark (External link)

Main approach channels 2.3.1 - Sea of Bothnia (External link)

Main approach channels 2.2.1 - Archipelago- and Aland Sea (External link)