Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Our role in granting government support and grants was emphasised in 2021

Serving as an authority granting government support is one of the core tasks of Traficom, and we award government support and discretionary government grants that support mobility, transportation, road traffic safety activities and functional network connections, and promote the achievement of emission targets.

In 2021, we also granted funding aimed to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. We granted additional funding to compensate for the loss of ticket revenue in public transport.
  2. We awarded grants to maritime transport to secure security of supply, transport needs of trade and industry and passenger transport.
  3. We purchased air services for regional airports, whose connectivity could not be maintained on market terms.

We promote the accessibility of transport and communications services

Accessibility means that all people should have equal opportunities to participate and operate in society. At Traficom, this means promoting accessibility in passenger transport services, audio-visual services as well as the electronic products and services in the information society.

In 2021, we published situational pictures of accessibility in local public transport, long-distance public transport and railway transport on the website (External link). The knowledge base will next be expanded with corresponding situational pictures on the accessibility of aviation, maritime transport and taxi services. The website also contains information on the implementation of audio-subtitling and subtitling services for audio-visual content.

Stakeholder cooperation with organisation for person with disabilities is an important part of our accessibility efforts. Meetings with organisations for the hearing impaired on subtitling services have been an example of systematic and successful cooperation.

We expect the EU accessibility directive to bring about new accessibility monitoring tasks. The directive will be implemented in Finland in 2022 and becomes applicable in 2025.
