Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom does not distribute or sell the electronic navigational charts that it produces, but these are distributed via a centralised distribution service (RENC) and a distributor network.

Finnish ENCs are distributed to resellers via the distribution centre PRIMAR in Norway. The RENC Centres (Regional ENC Coordinating Centres) distribute the ENCs in encrypted form. The encryption complies with the International Hydrographic Organisation’s (IHO) Standard S-63 (IHO Data Protection Scheme).

The main purpose of the encryption is to assure clients that the chart data is unchanged and updated.

ENC distribution is based on different downloading of permits and material. Permits can be ordered flexibly for certain periods of time (1–12 months). There are various distribution services. PRIMAR provides, among others, an online distribution service, where material can be selected from the Chart Catalogue, as well as the possibility to order material directly from the ECDIS system. 

An increasingly popular distribution service is Pay As You Sail (PAYS), in which worldwide ENC coverage is downloaded passively in the ECDIS equipment. The ENCs accessed during navigation are registered automatically for invoicing purposes.

More detailed descriptions of the distribution services can be found on PRIMAR's website.
