Traficom issues regulations on the marking and lighting of channels and the maritime buoyage system used and the names, structure, meaning, and colour and light characters of aids to navigation.
The maritime buoyage system and marking of channels
Finland uses the Region A IALA Maritime Buoyage System. Instructions on the marking and lighting of channels and the maritime buoyage system used and the names, structure, meaning, and colour and light characters of aids to navigation are provided in a regulation issued by Traficom. This regulation also includes provisions on the features, requirements and installation of aids to navigation.
According to the Water Traffic Act (782/2019), aids to navigation intended for marking public channels may not be used to mark a private channel. Private channels are channels that have not been designated as public channels or public local channels in accordance with the Water Act (587/2011).
Classification of waterways
In Finland, public channels are divided into six classes based on the purpose of use of the channel. The service level classification describing the technical level of each class of channel describes the characteristics and usability of channels. Waterway maintenance must be carried out in accordance with the classification of the waterway and associated requirements. The classification of a waterway is determined based primarily on what kind of traffic the waterway was built for, meaning what kind of waterborne traffic the waterway is intended to primarily serve.
Fairway terminology
Terminology related to fairways/channels is clarified in the instructions provided below. The purpose of the instructions is to clarify the meaning of concepts connected with fairways/channels, their interpretation and the responsibility of waterway managers. The descriptions primarily concern public channels and the terminology associated with them. The actual definitions are written in bold print. Concepts relating to draught and fairway areas, geometry and headroom are illustrated by drawings.
Water traffic in canals and at moveable bridges
Traficom’s regulation concerning water traffic in canals and at moveable bridges concerns procedures that watercraft and timber floats must follow when arriving at and navigating through lock and open canals and moveable bridges maintained by the state and details requirements concerning the use of watercraft and their equipment.
Instructions for the use of public channels
Traficom confirms the design draught and the safe clearance depth for each public channel. The design draught refers to the planned draught at which the channel’s design vessel can normally use the channel; however, different draughts can be used if the conditions allow it.