Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

As the owner or holder of the vehicle, you can change the insurance company or the policyholder  at any time during the insurance period for your vehicle.


Contact your insurance company

Sign a new insurance policy

  • on the change of policyholder with your current insurance company, or
  • on the change of insurance company with a new insurance company.

The new insurance information will be transmitted electronically from insurance companies to the Transport Register, which means that changing the information does not require you to take any measures.

Note, however, that vehicles decommissioned from traffic use  must always be separately recommissioned for traffic use  before they may be driven. As a penalty for using a vehicle decommissioned from traffic use, at least EUR 1,000 must be paid in additional tax.

Where can I verify that the change of insurance company I completed is in effect?

You can verify the validity of the insurance policy from your insurance company. You can also review the vehicle’s insurance company information using Traficom’s Vehicle information service
