Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

The new Road Traffic Act entered into force on 1 June 2020. Follow the topic on social media #tieliikennelaki2020

These pages contain information on what changed in road traffic when the new Road Traffic Act entered into force on 1 June 2020. More content will be added over the course of the year. Follow our communications on social media with the hashtag #tieliikennelaki2020.
autoja, mopo ja pyöräilijä risteyksessä

The New Road Traffic Act of 1 June 2020

In order to ensure smooth and safe road traffic, it is important that everyone can trust that all road users comply with traffic rules. The new Road Traffic Act introduces the obligation to anticipate.
Näkymä auton tuulilasista

New road markings and traffic signs

With the entry into force of the new Road Traffic Act, yellow barrier lines are changed to white and roadsides are equipped with new traffic signs. New traffic signs include signs for merging traffic lanes and compulsory minimum speed.
Uusia liikennemerkkejä

Information about changes to speed limits

Minimum speeds on certain roads and changes to the vehicle-specific speed limits of, for example, vans entered into force in June 2020.
Nopeursmittari näyttää 100 km/h

Information about tyres

The new Road Traffic Act brings changes to the use of winter tyres.
Henkilöauton talvirengas

Information package on bicycles and light electric vehicles

The new Road Traffic Act introduces several traffic signs concerning cycling, and the use of a red rear light becomes obligatory for bicycles in the dark.
Polkupyöräilijä Baanalla