Apply for a taxi transport licence document with up-to-date information
You can apply electronically for a taxi transport licence document with up-to-date information when the business type changes in My e-Services in the section Road transport licences.
Please note that a notice of change must be submitted to the Finnish Trade Register for a change in business type. Traficom can issue a licence document with up-to-date information only after the aforementioned change notice has been processed by the above authority. When granting a licence document with up-to-date information, the licence number of the licence changes.
In matters related to transport operations, a natural person selects ‘Personal services’, while a legal person should choose ‘Acting on behalf of a company/an organisation’. This means that a natural person as an applicant or a licence holder always acts as an individual, not as a representative of their company operating under a business name. Only a person with the right to represent the transport company either with an authorisation or without a separate authorisation based on their role recorded in the Finnish Trade Register may act on behalf of a company in the service.
The service is free of charge.