If the transport manager changes, an application for a change of transport manager must be submitted. A notification on terminating transport operations subject to a licence must also be submitted to Traficom. When the company type changes, an application for a licence document with up-to-date information or a new licence must be submitted. If the name or address of the licence holder has changed, the licence holder can apply for a licence document with up-to-date information, if necessary. However, the taxi transport license holder does not need to apply for a license document with up-to-date information if the address information changes, because address information is not printed on the new type of taxi transport license.
Changes have been made to the legislation governing the submitting of notifications regarding the transport of goods and passengers. Read more: Goods and passenger transport licences 2022 (in Finnish)
Are your contact details up to date?
Check that the contact information of the company in My e-Services is up to date: contact person, email and telephone number.
You can update your telephone number and email address via My e-Services (My e-Services/Front page/My details). You can log in with your online banking credentials, mobile certificate or certificate card.
You do not need to report a change of name or address to Traficom. Name or address changes for natural persons are reported to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and name or address changes for legal persons are reported to the Finnish Trade Register.
If the name or address details of the licence holder have changed, the licence holder can apply for a licence document with updated details, if necessary. Address details are not included on the new type of taxi transport licence which means that a taxi transport licence holder does not need to apply for a licence document with updated details in case of a change of address.
Has your company type changed?
For example, if the company type changes from a limited partnership company to a limited liability company and the business ID remains the same, an application is submitted for a licence document with up-to-date information. In contrast, if you establish a new company, you should apply for a new licence while requesting that the old licence be cancelled, if the old licence is no longer used for transport operations.
Only the party marked as the licence holder on the licence document can engage in transport operations based on the licence. If the licence holder is a natural person, only the person in question may engage in transport operations based on the licence, and they do so as a private trader (sole trader). If the licence holder is a community, only the community in question, such as a limited company or limited partnership, may engage in transport operations based on the licence.
A transport licence can never be transferred or forwarded to another party. For example, a licence granted to a natural person cannot be transferred to a company owned by the person; instead, the company must apply for a transport licence of their own.
Merger or closure of a licence holder company
If a transport licence holder is acquired by another company or otherwise ceases to exist, the transport licences granted to it are withdrawn. If the acquiring company intends to continue transport operations, it must submit a transport licence application in good time.
The right of an estate of a deceased person to continue operation
If a transport licence holder dies, the estate of the deceased person can continue transport operations for up to six months from the date of the person’s death, provided that it notifies Traficom within three months of a transport manager who meets the conditions of good repute and professional competence.
Has your transport licence been lost or destroyed?
If your transport licence is lost or destroyed, you can apply for a transport licence to replace a lost or destroyed licence. The replacement licence is granted according to the validity of the original licence.
Are you terminating transport operations?
If you are about to terminate transport operations, remember to apply for a cancellation of your transport licence. Submitting a termination notification to the Trade Register will not cancel your transport licence. You must apply for the cancellation of the transport licence with Traficom separately. By cancelling your transport licence, you will avoid extra costs, such as the annual transport licence holder fee.
You must also apply for a removal of a register entry concerning taxi or goods transport operations with Traficom.
Apply for a change of transport manager
When the transport manager changes, you need to apply for a change of transport manager.
Telephone service
+358 29 534 5181
weekdays 8:00–16:15